Over 1000 projects of local spatial development plans, studies of conditions and directions of spatial development, plans of motorways and metro lines developed for the government, cities and communes. Over 100 completed investment projects in the field of real estate, enterprise restructuring and investment financing in Poland. Over 100 investment and spatial planning projects under development, worth over EUR 700 million. Over 100 companies within the structure of Riva Finance Capital Group as well as competent and experienced managers who have been operating on the European financial, real estate, restructuring and spatial planning markets for over 50 years.


investment projects

under development

Riva Finance
Riva Finance Capital Group is an owner of BPRW S.A. (Warsaw Development Planning Office) and BPRP (Poland Development Planning Office). For several decades, BPRW S.A. has been building relations within public procurement with most cities and municipalities in Poland. BPRW S.A. has completed over 1,000 projects in the broadly understood field of spatial planning. The company has also implemented planning projects for other countries:
- reconstruction and development plans for cities and regions damaged by earthquakes: Skopje in Yugoslavia and Chimbote in Peru,
- urban plans in Algeria, Ghana, Iraq, Nigeria and Syria.
Over several dozen years of its activity on the market, Riva Finance Capital Group has developed the direct relations with the majority of leading development companies in Poland, which are the final recipients of real estate.
In the future, Riva Finance Capital Group will strengthen its leading position in the area of developing local spatial development plans, also extending its activity to other countries. The plans for the near future include expansion on the real estate management market, ecology projects, in particular renewable energy, medical projects and charity activities of the foundation supporting children around the world.
Riva Finance, the operational centre of Riva Group, is an investor specialising in the restructuring of investment properties. We buy, restructure in financial and legal terms, obtaining approvals, decisions and other documentation required for the investment implementation, thus preparing real estate for the final developer or investor. Through direct personal and capital involvement in the implemented projects, we have an impressive portfolio of completed investments.
Riva Finance, as the manager of a group of SPV entities, conducts negotiations, formulating formal and legal contracts, direct consulting for clients and the preparation of effective business strategies for both itself and contractors.
The high level of professionalism and optimisation of conducted activities, achieved together with the team formed over the years, guarantees the business partners a quick implementation of optimal transaction strategies, as well as constant monitoring of activities and results.
In order to reduce the operational risk, each transaction is preceded by a precise legal and financial audit.
As part of the implemented projects, the economic assessment of investment attractiveness includes, among others:
- ex ante account based on investors’ forecasts
- multi-criteria analysis based on a set of partial indicators relating to various project aspects, allowing for a comprehensive investment analysis
- method of absolute assessment of project effectiveness – the ratio of the results achieved to the assets invested in the project
- assessment of financial effectiveness and economic
- profitability operating flow analysis and cost calculation